Month: February 2015

Tales from the eloping bride to be

Part One If you follow me on social media you would be one of many who know from my bombardment of posts that I’ve recently got engaged. It’s been like I’ve been living in a fairytale from the moment Mike (my fiancée) came into my life. (More about that another time.) The engagement process hasn’t been long but I’ve already been getting the over whelming questions; ‘Whens the big day”, “Where” etc etc.This lead us to the discussion on exactly that, and the conclusion that eloping would be the best option for us, our relationship and our personalities. When Why wait? We both agreed that the sooner this happens, the better. We already know we want to spend the rest of our lives together; our love was all based on spontaneous choices leading us to each other why not continue that tradition we’ve built. Why We wanted this moment to be just about us, each other, not having to worry how everyone else is doing, timing, money or family drama. My idea was to also …